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Airport Hotel Redstone

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202 Reviews on Google
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Conveniently close to Indira Gandhi International Airport, the Airport Hotel Redstone is also near a number of interesting diversions for a day visitor. From historical sites such as Humayun’s Tomb to numerous spas, restaurants, and Buddha Jayanti Park, there are many ways to relax during your...

Conveniently close to Indira Gandhi International Airport, the Airport Hotel Redstone is also near a number of interesting diversions for a day visitor. From historical sites such as Humayun’s Tomb to numerous spas, restaurants, and Buddha Jayanti Park, there are many ways to relax during your day stay.

What we like for day pass at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco:

  1. Free internet.

  2. Air-conditioned.

  3. Complimentary breakfast.

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Select Service:
Day use room
Day use room
Airport Hotel Redstone, Mahipalpur
Booking day use grants you the use of amenities at the property.
Precise room assignment at Check-in. Ask Front-Desk for best available
Included Amenities
Air Conditioning
Wheelchair Access
Number of guests
Number of rooms
pay later - 700 INR
No CC at booking, cancel anytime, no penalty, first come - first served
Instant Confirmation
No credit card to book online. Cancel anytime at no penalty. Pay at check-in. First come, first served
Book Now
Day use room
Airport Hotel Redstone, Mahipalpur
Booking day use grants you the use of amenities at the property.
Precise room assignment at Check-in. Ask Front-Desk for best available
Included Amenities
Air Conditioning
Wheelchair Access
Number of guests
Number of rooms
pay later - 700 INR
No CC at booking, cancel anytime, no penalty, first come - first served
Instant Confirmation
No credit card to book online. Cancel anytime at no penalty. Pay at check-in. First come, first served
Book Now
Day use room
Airport Hotel Redstone, Mahipalpur
Booking day use grants you the use of amenities at the property.
Included Amenities
Air Conditioning
Wheelchair Access
Number of guests
Number of rooms
pay later - 699 INR
No CC at booking, cancel anytime, no penalty, first come - first served
Instant Confirmation
No credit card to book online. Cancel anytime at no penalty. Pay at check-in. First come, first served
Book Now

Property Amenities

24/7 Security
Air Conditioning
Baggage Storage
Dry Cleaning
Information desk
Laundry Service
Parking Available
Wheelchair Access
Work: Lobby Seating
Work: Printers & Copiers


Conveniently close to Indira Gandhi International Airport, the Airport Hotel Redstone is also near a number of interesting diversions for a day visitor. From historical sites such as Humayun’s Tomb to numerous spas, restaurants, and Buddha Jayanti Park, there are many ways to relax during your...

Conveniently close to Indira Gandhi International Airport, the Airport Hotel Redstone is also near a number of interesting diversions for a day visitor. From historical sites such as Humayun’s Tomb to numerous spas, restaurants, and Buddha Jayanti Park, there are many ways to relax during your day stay.

What we like for day pass at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco:

  1. Free internet.

  2. Air-conditioned.

  3. Complimentary breakfast.

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847/2 Mata Chowk, Vasant Kunj Marg, Mahipalpur, Delhi 110037


from Google | 202 reviews
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